Greener Pastures: a No Doubt fan site
March 16th, 2013

Rhode Island show videos, Tom, L.A.M.B.

Hello! I’ve added the October 15, 2002 Rhode Island show to the downloads section. It’s pro shot, but was captured from an internet stream so the picture isn’t perfectly clear. Just A Girl, Rock Steady, and Spiderwebs are missing. I don’t believe they were included in the stream.

Tom has updated his blog with photos from his visit to the GJ2 Guitar shop last week!


“I popped in to see Grover Jackson and Jon at the GJ2 Guitar shop last week, and to check on the build progress of the new Zora and Glendora models.

Update: he also just posted some “Rig shots from 2012 rehearsals“! posted a quote from Gwen regarding the Spring 2013 L.A.M.B. collection:

“The pink is insane and really became a huge part of what the collection is built around. We even have a pink leather jacket that I can’t wait for people to get their hands on. The  hounds tooth track suits I will live in.”

I love this collection! Plus, pink (especially hot pink)  is my favorite color!

Heather :)

March 14th, 2013

26th anniversary of first official live show!

Hello! Ska Parade posted a rare old photo of No Doubt backstage at Fender’s Ballroom on their Facebook page, which they say was originally shared by former member Tony Meade! :


“Happy 26th SKAnniversary to No Doubt! Their 1st show happened on 03/14/1987 @ Fender’s Ballroom!
Much Cheers! – Tazy / Ska Parade”

Tony Meade also wrote “No Doubt March 14, 1987 Fender’s Ballroom. Eric & Gwen Stefani, Tony & Alan Meade, Jerry “Jerros” Mc Mahon, Kirk Hofstetter, Kevin Wells, Chris Webb and John Spence. Happy Anniversary!”

This is such an awesome photo! From the old band bio that was on the official:

“March 14, 1987

After several raucous party performances, No Doubt play their first “official” gig at Fender’s Ballroom in Long Beach, California; the band was second on a bill of fourteen with The Untouchables headlining. Tony was one of several hundred people watching.

Shortly after, Tony, a high-school junior, shows up to try out wearing baggy pants and Mexican sandals. Band accepts him even though this is his first band; still a high-school senior, Gwen eagerly accepts him.”

Fabio from EIT has managed to get a hold of the Canadian “In Sixty” TV special that aired not too long ago! I’ve been looking for this, and am so happy that it’s finally shown up somewhere! Click here to watch on EIT!

Tom has updated his web site: “Hi everyone,
My site has changed, to a new simpler format. My posts and content from the past are gone, unfortunately.
It’s nice to have a fresh start.
You can also follow me on twitter @tomdumontND and get more info about my doings at

No Doubt has shared another live video from their “Seven Night Stand” last year – Sunday Morning! :

Heather :)

March 11th, 2013

video update

Hello! I’ve added some more videos to the downloads section:
Egos & Icons in 5 parts (I replaced mpg1 videos with mpg2)
an Extra news clip of Gwen & Gavin outside the Duran Duran show in 2003
a Gwen solo interview that aired on CTV in Canada
– Much “Expose” show in parts one, two, three. I put this in the Gwen solo section because most of the footage is from an October 2004 interview with her, but there is some ND footage in it.
OC Music Awards 2013. This is the video I posted to YouTube of Adrian accepting the three awards. There is also a very short clip of some ROS footage in it from when ND toured with Lit.

Heather :)

March 10th, 2013

OC Music Awards video

Hello! No Doubt won best song, best music video, and best album last night at the OC Music Awards!  Adrian accepted the awards on behalf of the band. I put together a video of the No Doubt portions from the live stream, and have uploaded to YouTube. The Awards honored the band Lit, and there is a short clip in there showing some ROS footage from when the bands toured together.

I’ve also added some photos to the gallery.

Heather :)

March 9th, 2013

OC Music Awards tonight!

Hello! I just wanted to post a reminder that the OC Music Awards take place tonight! Adrian tweeted that he’ll be attending: “Going to the OC Awards tonight. ND is nominated. Ready to party!!!!!! Adrian”

No Doubt is nominated in the peoples’ choice, best album, best song, and best music video categories! Apparently, the peoples’ choice winner is determined by text message voting during the awards show, so be sure to watch and vote for ND! The OC Music Awards tweeted “You can help them win People’s Choice Award by voting for them during the live stream”.

You can view the livestream here!

Heather :)

March 6th, 2013

Tony against proposed “ag gag” bill

Hello! I know I’m a couple days late posting this, but I really wanted to post about it anyway. I am big on animal rights, and it makes me so happy and proud that members of No Doubt are, too! From

‘Ag Gag’ Bill Draws Rock-Star Opponents ..

Indiana’s proposed “ag gag” bill made it through the Senate and has landed in the House. But multiplatinum musician Tony Kanal is calling on the state, where he spent time as a child, to do the right thing and squash this very wrong bill. Indiana Sen. Mark Stoops is joining Tony in speaking out against the bill, having likened it to his trip to Communist-era Romania, in which he was prohibited from taking photos. Says Sen. Stoops, “This is an attack on our 1st Amendment rights and another example of Big Government protecting industry at the expense of the public’s welfare.”

Like other ag gag” bills, Indiana’s version, Senate Bill (S.B.) 373, would make it illegal for people to film on factory farms. S.B. 373 would allow whistleblowers some protection if they handed over their video to authorities within 48 hours of capturing it. But this is a thinly veiled attempt to garner more support for the bill.

As PETA has witnessed time and again in our undercover investigations, it is crucial that investigators be able to prove that the abuse they documented was pervasive and systematic, rather than an isolated incident, in order to get the abusers convicted. In both our West Virginia Aviagen turkeys and Iowa Hormel supplier pig factory farm cases, investigators reported abuse to their supervisors, who failed to stop the abuse and, in some cases, took part in it themselves. Only with extensive video evidence was PETA able to get the abusers charged and convicted (and the abuse stopped), a point that Tony made in his letter to Speaker of the House Brian Bosma.

If you live in Indiana, please urge your representative to vote “No” on S.B. 373

Heather :)

February 26th, 2013

No Doubt in the studio!

Hello! From the official:

“Hi Everyone,

Greetings from the studio in Los Angeles…Yes, that’s right, the studio!

While we were traveling the world last year promoting Push And Shove, Gwen mentioned she was inspired to write new music.  In December, around the time of our hometown shows, we discussed the idea of starting 2013 by getting back into the studio together.  We did so in January and the new music started flowing with unexpected ease.  After spending three years recording the last album, this new pace feels incredibly exciting.

We have decided to follow our muse for the time being and focus on this new music that we don’t want to stop.  So, we will be postponing our tour plans briefly while we endeavor to create something special and inspired.  Our goal as a band is to share this new music with you as quickly as possible – both recorded and live on tour.

As always, thank you all for your kind words, incredible support and patience.  We promise to keep you updated with photos and videos from the studio, so be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram to get the latest updates.  We will see you soon!

Gwen, Tony, Tom, Adrian
No Doubt”

Heather :)

February 25th, 2013

no summer tour?, TK #1, music doc.

Hello! I generally don’t like to post about things like this that haven’t been confirmed by the band, but it seems to be legitimate. Blog web site has posted that No Doubt will not be touring this summer:

“OK No Doubt fans, we have some bad news…and we have some good news. The bad news mixes in with the good news. No Doubt has decided there will be no tour in 2013.

Our source states that the band took a vote very recently and decided to stay in the studio working on a new album instead of touring behind “Push & Shove”….

We hear the writing and recording is going much smoother for them than on “Push & Shove” where it seemed like it took forever to find a groove. They do not want to mess with the cohesiveness that is taking place in the studio by doing a tour this year.

Earlier this month, a phantom date for a show by No Doubt showed up on for Phoenix. Phoenix is a city that Live Nation uses as testers and does not usually mean a show is taking place there. It happens more frequently than you think.

Our source is extremely credible and I also contacted Live Nation to where they advised me that No Doubt showed up for a special Live Nation event earlier this month where Live Nation was told that No Doubt was leaning towards not touring and will decide on that in the coming weeks.

Diagnosis:  More New Music IS A Good Thing, No Doubt!”

I hope it isn’t true, as I was really looking forward to seeing them this summer. I’ll take it with a grain of salt until I hear something official. But, more new music is a good thing, too!

The Tragic Kingdom album has earned the #1 spot in OC Weekly’s “Top 20 Greatest OC Albums of All Time” list! :

1) No Doubt , Tragic Kingdom (1995)
You can’t make a Top 20 Greatest OC Albums of All Time list without mentioning this record. No Doubt is unarguably the biggest band to spawn from OC and Tragic Kingdom is their most recognizable album filled with radio hits that symbolized the FM domination of Third Wave ska. Gwen Stefani defies America’s perception of today’s Orange County woman–who isn’t always a blonde millionaire MILF wearing designer treads… oh wait. We still love you and wish we were you, Gwen! Thanks for putting OC on the map. We’ll always cherish the ’90s image we have of you dressed in that red dress, holding up an orange. —Jena Ardell”

It looks like Adrian and Tom are going to be in a new documentary film  tentatively titled “Who Killed (or Saved) the Music Industry”. From the web site, : “The tentatively titled is a documentary that explores the history, current landscape, and future of the music business. Highlighting many viewpoints, the film will feature candid interviews with musicians and industry professionals from  around the world including artists, songwriters, producers, lawyers, agents, managers, consumer brands and others.”

“With production underway, thoughtful and wide-ranging answers are emerging. Interviews have been completed with members of: No Doubt…”

This video from their web site includes a clip of Adrian at around the 2:13 mark:

There’s also a photo of Tom on their web site!

Heather :)

February 24th, 2013

World Stage videos

Hello! I captured the MTV World Stage Germany set that aired on TV last night. I’ve uploaded the videos here.

Heather :)

February 23rd, 2013

Quart Festival 2002 audio

Hello! I’ve added audio from the 2002 Quart Festival in Norway to the downloads section.

Heather :)

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