Greener Pastures: a No Doubt fan site
August 1st, 2013

video update

Hello! I’ve added videos of the 11/22/2002 Long Beach show to the downloads section! This is one of the shows that was filmed for the Rock Steady Live DVD, and it’s awesome quality! Thanks to Pierre for this! It’s also uploading to my YouTube channel as I type this.

Thanks to Eric Keyes for posting a short video clip from No Doubt’s first show at Fenders Ballroom in Long Beach 3/14/1987 to the Tribute to John Spence Facebook group in honor of John’s awesomeness! He really was.

Heather :)

July 26th, 2013

Jimmy Kimmel 2013 videos, Street Drum Corps

Hello! I’ve uploaded videos from No Doubt’s mini concert at Jimmy Kimmel live on January 8, 2013 to the downloads section.  They are also uploading to my YouTube channel as I type this, and will appear there shortly. Thanks to “Hellrazor” for recording, and sharing!

Also, Street Drum Corps recently uploaded a video to YouTube which includes Adrian!  He’ll be a special guest performer during some of their upcoming shows at the Hard Rock Hotel in Vegas.

Heather :)

July 24th, 2013

Breakfast with No Doubt videos

Hello! Thanks again to Pierre, I’ve added videos from KROQ’s Breakfast with No Doubt on 6/3/1997 to the downloads section! I’ve also added a playlist to YouTube:

Heather :)

July 22nd, 2013

Congrats Tony and Erin!

From the official today:

“The No Doubt Family Is Growing!

Tony and his longtime girlfriend Erin are very happy to announce that they will be expecting their second child later this year. The couple gave birth to their daughter Coco Reese Lakshmi Kanal in 2011 and can’t wait to welcome their newest addition to the family.”

baby 2

That’s so exciting there’s a new No Doubt baby coming! eek! Congratulations Tony, Erin, and your beautiful family!

Also, Shaun Monson, who is writer/director of the upcoming “Unity” documentary that I’d posted about previously, wrote some very sweet and true things about Tony on Instagram last night. Shaun wrote:

“#TonyKanal’s one of the most #sensitive and open-minded #rockers I’ve ever met. To see him on stage, jumping up and down with his #band @NoDoubt is one thing. But to sit with him as he calmly recites dialogue for #Unity is another. Tony is a #conscious being, plain and simple. He cares about #people, about #animals, the #environment. And we are so grateful to have him in Unity!” – @ShaunMonson #DONATE TO THE #UNITYFILM #KICKSTARTER: link on profile page or visit”

The documentary’s campaign on Kickstarter ends in three days, and still needs backers, so please go pledge!

Heather :)

July 18th, 2013


Hello! I’ve added some more videos, mostly thanks to my friend Pierre!

Heather :)

July 14th, 2013

in-store 1996 Spokane WA videos

Hello! I’ve added video of the 4/28/1996 mini in-store set in Spokane, WA to the downloads section. I’ve also added the videos to YouTube in a playlist:

Heather :)

July 12th, 2013

video update

Hello! Thanks to Pierre, I’ve added video of the 11/29/2002 Long Beach show to the downloads section! This was a little bit longer set than normal. Also, they played “Trapped In A Box”, and at the end Garbage and The Distillers came out on stage with them to play a cover of “Call Me”.

I’ve also added a playlist to YouTube:

Heather :)

July 10th, 2013

Adrian and Electric Valentine, Tom update

Hello! This Spring, it was announced that Adrian was in the studio with songwriting/production team and live electronic pop act Electric Valentine. Their album “Circuitry” is due to be released on the 16th, and they’ve released a lyric video of a song from the album. The name of the song is “Time Bomb”, and it features Adrian on drums!  He is such an awesome, tight drummer! Check out the song:

Last night, Tom was interacting with fans on twitter and he gave some updates on what the band is up to:

@littlelamb05 Hi, after a breakneck spring, we’re recharging our batteries going into summer. It’s a good thing, actually.
— Tom Dumont (@TomDumontND) June 25, 2013

@JosehLorenz summer vacation, that’s all. Kids need parents to be around…not holed up in studio–most especially when school’s out.
— Tom Dumont (@TomDumontND) July 10, 2013

@JosehLorenz don’t know at the moment
— Tom Dumont (@TomDumontND) July 10, 2013

Heather :)

July 8th, 2013

Adrian/Fred Perry contest, Eric Keyes cartoon

Hello! From the official today:


To celebrate the release of new pieces from the No Doubt & Fred Perry Collaboration, Adrian wants to give one lucky fan the shirt off his back… LITERALLY.

Enter to win a No Doubt & Fred Perry Collaboration V neck sweater taken directly from the closet of Adrian Young.

In 140 characters or less, tweet @NoDoubt with the reason why Adrian should give you his brand new sweater. The most creative entry will receive a tartan check V neck sweater from the band’s recent collaboration with UK clothing brand Fred Perry.
Ends: Monday, July 15, 2013 @ 11:59PM PT. “

adrian perry contest

Eric Keyes shared a couple screen captures with BSO of animations he did of Gwen and Tom in 1995.  He worked on the Fox kids’ show called “The Klutter”, which was part of “Eek The Cat”, and he made a couple of the characters look like Gwen and Tom! Pretty cool! Check out the screen captures at BSO here.

Heather :)

July 6th, 2013

video update

Hello! I’ve added some more videos:

Virgin Megastore April 13 2000 Costa Mesa CA live clips
Virgin Megastore April 13 2000 Costa Mesa CA fan interviews
Virgin Megastore April 13 2000 Costa Mesa CA band interview
ROS tour rehearsal 2000 03 Spiderwebs
ROS tour rehearsal 2000 02 Rush cover Bathwater
ROS tour rehearsal 2000 01 Simple Kind Of Life
1997 Grammy rehearsal Feb 1997 1 of 2
1997 Grammy rehearsal Feb 1997 2 of 2

I’ve also added them to my YouTube channel.

Heather :)

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