Hello! I’ve added the May 3, 2009 Bamboozle Festival show in NJ to the downloads section! I’ve also added it to YouTube in a playlist:
Nail care company OPI has announced that they are releasing a Gwen collection early next year! From No Doubt’s official site:
Gwen has partnered with professional nail care industry leader OPI to release seven new limited edition nail lacquers next year. Inspired by the 2013 Met Gala in New York City that featured the theme “Punk: Chaos to Couture,” the collection celebrates the role of music as a major influence in fashion.
“With her expertise as a singer, songwriter and designer, who better to collaborate with than Gwen Stefani? Known for her trademark red lips, bold eye makeup and nail art, Gwen uses beauty to accessorize her style” says OPI Executive VP & Artistic Director Suzi Weiss-Fischmann.
Gwen Stefani by OPI includes seven limited edition nail lacquers: Hey Baby, I Sing in Color, Love.Angel.Music.Baby., 4 in the Morning, In True Stefani Fashion, Push and Shove and Over & Over A-Gwen. The latter color, Over & Over A-Gwen, was created to match Gwen’s signature red lipstick and is available in a boxed set that includes Swarovski crystals and studs to create inspiring nail art.
The collection will be available beginning January 2014 at professional salons, including Chatters, Dillard’s, Pure Beauty, Regis, Beauty First, Trade Secret, and ULTA.”