Greener Pastures: a No Doubt fan site

We get to hear “Push And Shove” the song tomorrow!

Holy shit! Ryan Seacrest just tweeted  “Just got confirmation, I’m premiering @NoDoubt‘s new song “Push and Shove” tomorrow 7a PT on @OnAirWithRyan!”

That’s 10am EST.  I have to work tomorrow at that time!  It will be streaming online at!  I’ll have to sneak off with my phone then haha!

Also, No Doubt tweeted that they will be on Ellen next month!:

“Just Announced: @NoDoubt will make their return to @TheEllenShow next month during #PushAndShove release week. More details coming soon!”

They wrote on their Facebook page:

“One of No Doubt‘s very first stops on their reunion tour in 2009 was The Ellen DeGeneres Show. It’s time to continue that tradition! The band will perform live on the show again next month during Push And Shove release week. Stay tuned for more details!”

LA Times had reported that they would be on Ellen Sept. 19, but it appears that they are now unsure of that date.:

Update at 3:13 p.m.: An earlier version of this post stated that No Doubt will appear on “The Ellen Degeneres Show” on Sept. 19. The date of the band’s appearance has not been confirmed.”

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