Greener Pastures: a No Doubt fan site

video update


I’ve uploaded a few videos to the TK interviews section.  The interview that aired on Channel V from when No Doubt was in India in 1997, in three parts.

Also, an interview with the band that aired on the show “Red Jam” in Australia.  I was able to add that one to YouTube (the Channel V one was blocked for some reason). I love this one, especially the part where Adrian talks about his fear of high drum risers lol:

3 Responses to “video update”

  1. ChaseR Says:

    Heather, how are you!?

    Thanks for posting this interview! Its been many moons since I’ve partaken of its beauty! It connects me to that energy they had back then, you know? It also kinda makes me really miss how they use to be, they almost always we’re cracking jokes back in the day. I just don’t see that from them these days…all though there was that one recent interview where they we’re cracking jokes. Its really nice to see them have new interviews! I can’t believe this is real life, it seems like its been a few life times since NO DOUBT we’re doing new stuff…… I’m so use to NO DOUBT being over that I’m not too sure I want a new album, HA! I don’t know, I just don’t want to have them around to have them leave again, you know? I guess that’s life, “better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all” I’m not too sure I agree with that statement, but it will be nice to have NO DOUBT back, even if it is just one more time…..

    Thanks for keeping this site up and going.

    One love,

  2. Heather Says:

    Hey there!

    I’m pretty good. Thanks! How are you? :D

    I know just what you mean. “One more summer”…

    I really appreciate your comment!

    One love, indeed!

    And, DWADN! We will always be a family.

    xxxooo :D

  3. ChaseR Says:


    Glad your doin good, I’m ok, had some rough years, but the future looks beyond bright to me!

    I thought I had seen most NO DOUBT interviews, but I guess with the wide grasp of the internet these days, some stuff has surfaced that I never knew about. I found this “MTV MASTERS” interview with TOM and GWEN, I thought it was one I’d seen, but nope… I couldn’t believe it! The link is:

    They have some others, I’m not sure if I’ve seen them all, I’m waiting till the record comes out, so I can have a day reconnecting with NO DOUBT. I’m scared of this record, I know its gonna hit deep in my soul…. I’m not sure I’m ready for it right now…. I might wait to listen a little after it drops so I can be prepared for it…. Is it weird that I get teary just thinking about this album? HA! I guess not, cause it happens a lot, HA!

    What does DWADN mean?

    Anywho, Thanks again!

    One Rabid Love,

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