Greener Pastures: a No Doubt fan site

video update, benefit auction for Donny

Hello!  I’ve added a bunch of videos to the downloads section.  There are 11 of them, so I’ll just direct you to the video downloads sorted by date added.  The first 11 shown are the ones I just added this weekend.  :)

Some sad news from the official:

“No Doubt’s long time bus driver and friend Donny Silva was recently diagnosed with cancer and an online auction has been set up to help pay his medical bills. The band has donated a signed item to this auction.  All proceeds will go directly to Donny and his wife Lori to help them through this difficult time.

From the auction description:
“This item was donated by the band from their personal collection of memorabila All proceeds from this auction will go to the Silva Streak Fund. Please find details below.

Donny Silva has been a bus driver and friend to many of us in the music industry for many years. He has cared for some of the most luminous names in the industry. To know him is to love him.

He as recently diagnosed with stage four colon cancer that has spread to most of his vital organs. He’s a fighter who would never give up on us, and we’re not going to give up on him. But like so many in our business he has no health insurance so we need your help.

Many of his friends and colleagues have donated items that we’re putting up for auction on this site. There’s something for everyone, and for every price range. Please take the time to browse what what we’re making available and do some of your Holiday shopping!

All proceeds go directly to Donny and his wife Lori to help them through this difficult time. Thanks you for your generosity. God bless and happy holidays to you and yours.”

I will be thinking of Donny and his family, and hope that these auctions raise lots of money to help them!

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