Happy 25th anniversary of No Doubt’s first official club show!
From the official today:
“After a few raucous party performances in the months preceding, No Doubt played their first official club gig at Fender’s Ballroom in Long Beach, California on March 14, 1987. The show, headlined by The Untouchables, found No Doubt playing second among a lineup of fourteen bands that night. Twenty-five years later, No Doubt are still making music together.
As the band put finishing touches on their new album, they have decided to add some new accounts to their Twitter arsenal. That’s right – not only will the band be sending out studio updates, photos, videos and album information from @nodoubt, they’ll also be Tweeting back and forth with each other from their personal accounts.
Please welcome to Twitter the official accounts of @nodoubt: @gwenstefani, @tomdumontND, @tonykanal and @adrianyoungND.
Be sure to follow all 5 accounts on Twitter to hear the latest news from the band about recording, the release of the new album and upcoming tour dates.”
Oh my god, I can’t wait for the new album, and tour!!!!
They have been posting old school photos on twitter today in celebration: