Greener Pastures: a No Doubt fan site

filming P&S music video, gallery, price list, etc.

Tom tweeted that they were filming the Push And Shove music video last night at a dive bar in Brooklyn!

A user on YouTube has posted a video of No Doubt’s performances of Underneath It all, Just A Girl, and Hella good from the NFL kickoff concert last night! :

I’ve added a bunch of photos from the NFL kickoff concert to the gallery.

You can listen to No Doubt’s 97.1 Amp radio interview from this morning on their web site here.

No Doubt has posted a comprehensive list of the different Push And Shove album versions, Gibson Ampitheatre ticket levels, and prices on their site! : (OMG @ this Speaker Box Set!)

“For the soon to be released Push And Shove album configurations and Gibson Amphitheatre show dates, there are a number of pricing options available to fans.  Below is an outline of those options in the USA.

NOTE: Please understand that in most retail circumstances neither the band nor their record label can legally set the final sale price. In addition, there will be various international forms of the album – for those configurations, local markets, laws and currencies may also lead to different prices in different regions and countries.

$9.99 – Standard CD Album (11 tracks) – $13.98 is the suggested list price, however some retailers are expected to price this as low as $9.99 for at least the album’s first week
$11.99 – Standard Digital Album (11 tracks)
$13.99 – Deluxe Digital Album (14 tracks + bonus track)
$14.99 – Target Exclusive Deluxe Edition (19 tracks)
$17.98 – Walmart Exclusive ZinePak (11 tracks w/ 68-page magazine, trading cards and pull out poster) – expected to be discounted for the album’s first week
$25 – Picture Disc Vinyl (11 tracks)
$175 – Super Deluxe Limited Edition Speaker Box (14 tracks)

Tickets start as low as $74.50.  Exact details of pricing tiers, locations and what is included with VIP tickets will be included when the public on sale date for these shows is announced.

$74.50 plus service charges
$99.50 plus service charges
$115 – ND2012 Club Tickets (best seats in the house – pre-sale begins today at 4:00 PM Pacific, INCLUDES ticket service charges and ND2012 Club perks and commemorative items 
$125 plus service charges
$250 VIP plus service charges
$375 VIP Party plus service charges”

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