Poll The People
I was asked to write about a new site called Poll The People (http://www.pollthepeople.com/). Here is some of the text of an e-mail I received:
We have recently helped launched a website to invite the public to vote
for their Top 5 albums (films and books) in an evolving poll to find
the Greatest Albums etc of all time – www.pollthepeople.com (http://www.pollthepeople.com/)
. The site was borne out of frustration at the number of TV and press
polls based on very little research or the opinions of a few
journalists. So now we want to give the people a chance to have their
say and vote for their favourite albums (films and books) to create a
truly definitive global poll. The site was founded by Glenn Cooper
previously the Head of Digital @ Island Records UK for 6 years who left
his role to focus on this venture with his wife Kirsty Cooper who has
over 10 years music marketing and PR experience.
Please could you put a news story up on your Site and Forum to let No
Doubt fans know about the site so they can vote and have their say? We
have had over 3,700 people sign up and vote in the first month from
over 100 different countries and we are already working on a TV show
format and a “Poll The People top rated” retail sticker initiative. In
addition we have had features in The Times and The Guardian as well as
trade press so we have had a great start. The early visitors to the
site have been very pop biased and it’s important to us that we reach
out to fans of all great artists / bands so the poll becomes truly
Obviously, I would suggest that you go and add your vote for No Doubt, but you can vote for whomever you wish. ;)
Also, you may have noticed that any comments you recently left aren't showing up. That's because apparently the spammers have tweaked their lovely bots to work with the software running this site, so I'm getting a bunch of spam comments each day to wade through. I have it set up so that all comments have to be approved by me before they appear on the site, but it's often such a pain to try and pick the one real comment out of the 20 spam comments so I haven't taken the time to sort them. Sorry…… This will be fixed shortly. :D