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Archive for the ‘Update’ Category


Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012

Hello!  From the official:

“It has just been confirmed that No Doubt will perform at the 2012 MTV EMA’s on November 11th! The event, which will be broadcast live from The Festhalle in Frankfurt, Germany, will air on MTV channels around the world.

“Everyone is in top form. It’s going to be an amazing time and a chance for us to show to the world why we’re so proud of our new album. And it’s always awesome to do what we love most, which is play live.  We’re really excited to be a part of it,” said No Doubt of their upcoming 2012 EMA performance.

In addition to performing, No Doubt have also been nominated in the “Best Pop” category. The polls are open now but all voting ends at exactly 23:59 CET on Friday, November 9th, 2012. Fans can vote a maximum of one hundred times per day using the Website, Mobile SiteMobile App and Facebook App. Voting is NOT restricted to only European fans and is open to everyone.

Vote for No Doubt in the “Best Pop” category right here!

All winners will be announced during the MTV European Music Awards, which will air on MTV channels around the world on November 11 at 11pm.”

Ellen has posted a couple videos of honorary CoverGirl correspondent, cutie Talia Castellano, conducting interviews backstage at the iHeartRadio Festival:

There’s a new interview with Adrian on the Leader’s web site!


Monday, October 1st, 2012

Hello!  I’ve added the Videos 1992-2003 special to the videos section.

The iHeart Radio Music Festival is being aired tonight on CW at 8pm EST. Not sure if they will air all of No Doubt’s set or not. CW has posted a short backstage video of the band here.

YouTube user baffe1111 has posted the interview that aired on Swedish TV4 yesterday:

manormachine100 has posted the “Settle Down” performance on the Jonathan Ross Show:

KISS FM UK has posted more of their interview with Gwen and Tony to YouTube:

There’s a new interview with Gwen on the Mirror web site!

Tony, buy Settle Down video…

Saturday, September 29th, 2012

Hello!  Check out this awesome letter that Tony wrote regarding the under-construction Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada!  I’m so happy that Tony is such a huge animal advocate.  It’s something that I’ve always felt strongly about, and it makes me so happy that the members of my favorite band are such great people!  xxxooo

The “Settle Down” music video is now available for purchase on iTunes for $1.99!

Also, has a No Doubt artist spotlight going on right now, where all of the albums in mp3 format are only $5.99! It’s a good time to buy extra copies of Push And Shove to give as gifts. ;)

MTV has posted another article where they discuss the “Just A Girl” music video!

KISS FM UK has posted a video of their interview with Gwen and Tony to YouTube. :

The Ellen show has posted a video of the “Hella Good” performance to YouTube! :

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon has posted videos of No Doubt’s “It’s My Life” and “Underneath It All” performances (off-air) to their web site! :

Fuse interview videos

Friday, September 28th, 2012

Hello!  I’ve compiled the Fuse band interview clips that aired during the No Doubt Takeover into one video.  You can download it here.

I also added the “Pop Profiles” special that aired during the Takeover here.  It really isn’t anything new, but still good to have.  :)

Ellen, interviews, etc.

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

Hello!  I wasn’t able to capture the band on the Ellen show today.  I’m so sorry.  I’m kicking myself, so you don’t have to lol!  The Ellen show has posted the performance of “Settle Down” to YouTube:

(You can download my Ellen videos from yesterday here.)

Gwen was on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show this morning talking about the new album!  Click here to listen, or download.  Gwen says she wishes that everyone will sit down and listen to the whole album with the lyrics in front of them.  :)

She also called into Carson Daly’s radio show yesterday, and you can listen here!

There’s a new interview with Adrian on states that No Doubt’s “Push and Shove” “is headed for No. 3” on the Billboard 200 chart’s top 10 list, which will be revealed on the morning of Wednesday, Oct. 3! has posted a great article where No Doubt tells stories about various songs.  Must read!

Another MTV article – “No Doubt Reveal Favorite Push And Shove Tracks
Band names ‘Undercover,’ ‘Dreaming the Same Dream’ as standouts on first album in more than a decade.”

E! special video stills, Spotify contest

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

Hello again!  I made some video stills from the E! special, and have added them to the gallery.

There is a contest on Spotify where you can win an autographed guitar!  View the details on the official!

Ellen videos

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

Hello!  I’ve added the Spiderwebs and Looking Hot performances, as well as the interview on Ellen today to the videos section!

Push And Shove music video, E! videos, happy day!

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

Well, today’s the day!  Happy Push And Shove day!  The album is out now!  Such an exciting day!   aaaaaaaaaaahhhh!  Love this band so much!

The official Push And Shove music video has been uploaded to YouTube! :

I’ve uploaded the E! hour long special from last night to the videos section!

E! has posted even more goodies on their web site.  Check them out here!

No Doubt in France, interviews, etc.

Monday, September 24th, 2012

Happy Push And Shove eve!! (for some people, anyway)

I received my Target deluxe edition in the mail a day early today!

What a great surprise!  I’ve been listening to it non-stop since I got home!  :)

No Doubt are in Paris now, and were on the French TV show, C à Vous where they performed an awesome acoustic version of “Settle Down”!  Capzap Télé has posted the performance to YouTube:

 has uploaded the interview and performance! :

LA radio station 98.7 is going to play the entire album tonight at 11pm PT, and will also be airing their interview with No Doubt.  They have a live stream here!

Tonight is 98.7’s No Doubt pre-CD release party at the Viper Room in W. Hollywood.  No Duh is playing!  :)

From the official earlier today:

“The official music video for “Push And Shove” won’t premiere until tomorrow, but here’s a sneak peak to get everyone by until then.

The Sophie Muller directed video for “Push And Shove” can be seen Tuesday, September 25, exclusively on Stay tuned to for updates and expect more surprises from the band to come during Push And Shove release week.”

Also from the official:

“No Doubt are taking over Fuse! Tune in for 24 hours of No Doubt music videos and interviews with host Alexa Chung beginning tomorrow at 6am ET/PT. Pick up the band’s new album Push And Shove and spend Tuesday, September 25 watching your favorite No Doubt moments ALL DAY on Fuse!

New interview segments with the band will also air during the Fuse Top Twenty Countdown at 10pm ET/PT and on
A teaser for the takeover tomorrow has been posted on and can be viewed right here.

I’m confused, because my TV listings only show the takeover to be from 6am-4pm EST?

More more interviews have popped up online!  They’re awesome!  I’m just going to list the links:

MTV – “No Doubt Reveal Inspiration Behind Push And Shove Title” – “No Doubt ready to rock again after making babies”

Spin – “No Doubt Explain OMD, EDM, and Peter Hook Basslines on ‘Push And Shove'”

CBS Sunday Morning special video and stills

Sunday, September 23rd, 2012

Hello!  I’ve added the CBS Sunday Morning special from this morning to the videos section!  I’ve also added a few stills to the gallery.

I really love this special!  And, the Push And Shove music video looks badass!  I can’t wait to see the whole thing!

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