Greener Pastures: a No Doubt fan site

Archive for the ‘Update’ Category

video update, photo shoots, Tony

Sunday, June 30th, 2013

Hello! Thanks again to Pierre, I’ve added the May 12, 2002 New Mexico show to the videos section! It wasn’t recorded with a great camera, but it’s still very much worth watching.

Gwen was tweeting some photos of herself yesterday after a photo shoot. A source has reported to BSO that it was for V magazine!

Adrian was also photographed a couple days ago. Rust salon, and Tara Tatangelo posted photos from the set which was in West Hollywood.

A couple days ago, Tony tweeted “Honored to be a narrator in Shaun Monson’s follow up to Earthlings: UNITY THE MOVIE – music by @sigurros Kickstarter:” It looks like it will be a pretty awesome movie. The kickstarter page states “This project will only be funded if at least $800,000 is pledged by Friday Jul 26, 12:28pm EDT.”  I really hope this gets to be made!

charity auction, video update

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

originalHello! There is a signed Fender Squire Bass up for auction on Charity Buzz. From the auction description : “This Bass was signed exclusively for TwentyWonder at KROQ’s Acoustic Christmas 2012 at Gibson Amphitheater.”

I’ve added a Much Music interview show from 1996 to the videos section. It includes a clip of the May 1996 Cleveland show, MTV Beach House interview, clip of August 1996 Toronto show, in Much studio August 1996…

Thanks again to Pierre, I’ve added the March 30, 2002 Vegas show to the videos section! This was at The Joint within the Hard Rock Hotel, which is a relatively small venue. There are some great close-up shots. Most of the songs are incomplete, and the first song, “Hella Good” is missing, but it’s still very much worth watching! It was Tony’s Dad’s birthday, and they dedicated “Running” to him, and sang Happy Birthday. Warning – Adrian wasn’t wearing pants, and one of the songs they played was “In My Head”. You probably know what that means! haha

video update, Monsters University premiere photos

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

Hello! Thanks to Pierre, I’ve added video of a 1996 soundcheck to the downloads section!

Gwen, Tom, and their families attended the movie premiere of “Monsters University” in LA yesterday. I’ve added some photos to the gallery.

videos, Adrian interview…

Saturday, June 15th, 2013

Hello! I’ve added the TK era Intimate and Interactive special to the videos section!

Adrian was a guest on the radio show DRUM Smack on the 11th! You can watch the video on their web site! I’ve also embedded it below. Adrian’s part is about a half hour into the video. It’s an awesome interview!  They’ve also shared some photos on their Facebook page.

Video streaming by Ustream


Gavin called into Ryan Seacrest’s radio show on the 13th for an interview, and said some really sweet things about Gwen. He talked about how she knows how to make any day fun, that he doesn’t mind if her lipstick gets on him, etc. You can listen to the interview below, and also on the show’s web site.

video and photo update

Sunday, June 9th, 2013

Hello! I’ve added some more videos to the downloads section thanks to P! :

ROS tour rehearsal interview
MTV Beach House 1996 interview
Grammy 2003 band interview afterwards
Gwen Gavin at Prince show March 29 2004

I’ve also uploaded them to my YouTube channel.

In the Grammy interview video, I love how kind and courteous they are to the crew. When they are “off-camera” you can hear them thanking the interviewers, etc. Not all people in their positions are so kind, and down to earth. :)

Tony attended a fundraiser benefiting Mercy For Animals yesterday in LA. I’ve added some photos to the gallery. From the Mercy For Animals web site: “Mercy For Animals is dedicated to preventing cruelty to farmed animals and promoting compassionate food choices and policies.” I really love that he is so involved in things like this! All of the members of No Doubt are such wonderful people!

mercy for animals (1)

I’ve also added some photos of Gwen and Gavin attending “The Bling Ring” premiere in LA on the 4th to the gallery.

bling ring 2013 (25)

A Time for Heroes event photos

Monday, June 3rd, 2013

Hello! Gwen and family (including niece Stella) attended the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation’s 24th annual ‘A Time For Heroes’ event yesterday in LA. Proceeds from the event benefited the Foundation. I’ve uploaded some photos to the gallery here. You can view even more photos here.

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation's 24th Annual "A Time For Heroes"

song of the summer, A/V update

Saturday, June 1st, 2013

Hello! “One More Summer” has been named Time Out New York’s Song of the Summer! From their web site:

“We asked, you answered with 33 picks for our 2013 Song of Summer playlist on Spotify. Yet only one song can be the song of summer. After a round of voting, you crowned No Doubt’s “One More Summer” the winning track. Stream the whole list on Spotify all summer long. Thanks for voting!”

Tom tweeted yesterday “Thank you everyone! ND fans are the best ever!“@KieraJuku94: @Nodoubt One More Summer = song of the summer!!! …“”

Thanks to my pal Pierre, I’ve added a couple more items to the downloads section. I’ve added video of Gwen’s solo 2007 Jones Beach show. I also posted it to YouTube in a playlist.

I replaced audio of the Camden NJ June 28,  2000 show with a much higher quality version than I had up before. I had to do some research on this one because, as I re-listened to it, I noticed Gwen kept saying “Philadelphia”, though it’s labelled as Camden, NJ in all the versions of it that I have. They were definitely in Camden NJ on that date, and the setlist matches what’s been posted online as the setlist for that date. Apparently, Camden is considered part of “Greater Philadelphia”, and is only 5 miles away from Philadelphia. So, that would explain why Gwen says “Philadelphia”, though technically the venue is in Camden. :)

video update!

Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

Hello! My great friend, “bAbeFroman”, has shared some awesome, rare, red carpet footage with me! Thank you, thank you! They are:

VH1 Vogue Fashion Awards Oct 19 2001 Gwen red carpet

Teen Choice Awards August 2001 Gwen red carpet

VH1 Vogue Fashion Awards Dec 5 1999 band red carpet

I’ve replaced the mpg1 format Kroq Acoustic Xmas 1997 files with mpg2 files thanks to him, as well.

I’ve also re-added the 2004 Chula Vista show to the site.

charity auction, Gwen Vogue video, Tom new guitar

Thursday, May 16th, 2013

Hello! No Doubt has donated a signed copy of their recent Billboard Magazine cover to the Hillsides Foster Soles Charity Event! Posted to the official forum by Alessia:

“No Doubt has donated an autographed and framed Billboard Magazine cover to the Hillsides Foster Soles Charity Event, an online auction of celebrity autographed shoes, handbags, or other personal items along with headshots. The Los Angeles kickoff event to launch the eBay auction will be hosted by Dr. Drew and Susan Pinsky on Wednesday, May 22, 2013, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Held during Foster Care Awareness Month in May, Foster Soles raises awareness of national foster care issues and the plight of children and youth in the system. To learn more about this event, visit:

To Admin: We would greatly appreciate it if you could post about this on your website so that fans can bid on the item and help out a great cause! I can send you a picture of the item if you wish to post. Auction begins on Ebay on May 22, 2013. Thank you so much!


Vogue has posted a short interview video of Gwen talking about her style influences, and the Vivienne Westwood corset she wore in the Spiderwebs music video. :

Yesterday Tom posted photos of his new GJ2 “Glendora” model guitar on his web site.

“I stopped in to visit the GJ2 Guitar shop in Laguna yesterday. I took delivery of my new “Glendora.” Excellent guitar guys, thank you!

Can’t wait to get into the studio to record with this beauty.”

Met Gala photos, audio update

Tuesday, May 7th, 2013

Hello! Gwen and Gavin were at the Met Gala last night in NYC! I’ve added some photos to the gallery. Gwen looked so gorgeous!

Gwen Stefani

I’ve added audio of the April 26, 1996 show to the downloads section.  This was broadcast on the radio program “Live From The Pit”  The two acoustic tracks were recorded in the Modern Rock Live studio. This show can also be found on the Sushi Chick bootleg, but this is the complete broadcast, and was originally shared by Craig Smith from The Doghouse site. See the description on the first file’s download page for more info.

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