Greener Pastures: a No Doubt fan site

Portlandia, Gwen photo

Hello!  No Doubt will be in the January 11th episode of IFC’s show “Portlandia”.  I thought I had mentioned this previously, but I guess I didn’t.  IFC’s web site describes the episode like so:

Nina’s Birthday

Nina goes to great lengths to throw an extravagant 32nd birthday party for herself. The day-long event is set to include activities ranging from horseback rides to sunrise yoga that will last well into the night. The party turns into a Tapas Dinner.”

The episode is mentioned in this article about Portlandia in the January 11 issue of EW magazine:

“Meanwhile, Armisen and Brownstein will be satirizing natural deodorant, spoiler-alert fiends, and friends who expect you to spend waaaay too much money on their birthday parties.  That last sketch features an airborne No Doubt.  “We wanted a ridiculous ending,” says Brownstein.  “And there’s nothing more heightened than having a huge rock band in a hot-air balloon.”  Sounds like it will be hilarious!

Dave Stewart posted a gorgeous photo of Gwen to his Facebook page a few days ago!

He wrote: “photo I took of Gwen Stefani while we were writing “Sparkle” off the new album “Push and Shove” — with Gwen Stefani at Covent Garden – London.”

One Response to “Portlandia, Gwen photo”

  1. Everything In Time » Report: No Doubt Appearing on IFC’S Portlandia on January 11 Says:

    […] 2: Thanks so much to Heather from Greener Pastures for sharing a scan of an Entertainment Weekly article with a few more details on No Doubt’s […]

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